Rosalba Dapoto

Actress, Actor Coach, Movie Trainer, Graduated in Psychological Theories and Techniques

I have combined my two passions: cinema, with the histrionic range of its characters and psychology, an essential background to understand myself and the other. I use my energy and empathetic approach to inspire others and myself.

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Life n Movie

The Lifenmovie project is a complete training that through a cinematic approach, serves to better handle corporate interactions. It is a method for actual staff members of a company to act out daily business situations and to be able to transport the working reality on a film set and then enhance it and bring it back to reality.

This cinematic training gives you new abilities to operate on both the personal and the company’s welfare.

Trough by filming the acted out interactions, a very detailed video analyses from different angles is possible.

The video and the different shots can reveal those details that suggest the way forward and the right imaginative dimension for a new vision.

"Different sets require different scripts, different shots, different characters: to guess new directions."



Interpretation Role-Switching & Self-Knowledge. Putting yourself in someone’s shoes.

Set Design

Film setting with props belonging to daily business carry dynamics or stories of the company within different sets


Rewriting the story-changing the style of narration-subtext conceiving-telling a story-breaking out of the usual narrative


Set team (missions related to the values of the company.)

Empatic Leadership

Coordination of departments

This innovative approach helps facing daily issues, as anxiety, fear, stress, role rigidity, frustration, conflict, distrust, indecision, in the most authentic fun way, as result.

To learn to reprogram oneself and to give new meaning to:

  • Time
  • Quality
  • Innovation
  • Intuition
  • Creativity

Not only the leaders but also the other members of the company will learn to make reasonable decisions and choices.

The scenic space will allow partecipants to travel with their imagination, passing trough eight primary steps:

  • Abandonment of the old schemes and Immobility
  • Goals and identity
  • Ability to chose
  • Skills and inner strength
  • Processing capacity
  • Bungee jumping emotional risk
  • Creativity and reconstruction
  • Self confrontation
"Experimenting with new solutions in fiction."

Action Phase

The steps to get to the creative phase can be modulated and proposed in succession, to always create a favorable environment for participants.

Ideation Design Construction

During the training we will evaluate together all the phases of conception, design and construction, using teams of the set that will have a specific mission.

The company becomes a movie set where everyone is an actor.

Lifenmovie is the best way to reinvent yourself and make your actions transparent; an emotional risk to break with old patterns and start transforming yourself through filmed interactions. The director of a film indicates the course, expands the teamwork to the maximum, realizes a solid, concrete work; he is a leader who grows other leaders. The movie dream is transported into the daily work reality giving each of us the possibility to live it.

"Reborn in the company to make the company reborn".


Learn to reprogram yourself and give new meaning to:

  • Personal Responsability
  • Practical Relevance
  • Analytical Strength
  • Empathy
  • Listening Skills
  • Kindness
  • Transparency
  • Transformation
  • Authenticity
  • Risk
  • Error

Being able to transport the working reality on a film set and then enhance it and bring it back to reality? Moving away from reality to open new ground: simulate a dream and understand if it is really the right one. The virtual at the service of the real, the simulation to acquire time: the human relationship applied to virtuality. Getting to know new realities through images to improve one's own reality or to see it in a different perspective. And why not to change it?

"Working with so many extraordinary people makes our lives precious."
"Movie has always been ahead of its time with its visionary ideas."


Lifenmovie is an educational path that favors action. What makes this method unique?

It is a method with a high level of practice and the participants are at the center; a good dose of humor and a flexible way of acting to situations.

Lifenmovie aims to help companies or start-ups to face a transformation, create a healthy and constructive environment and generate value that can become an asset for everyone and the company.

Lifenmovie's goal is to make your business, your teams and leaders even better and to develop together the best ideas and strategies.

A modern training that overlooks the stage of work to achieve greater productivity and analyze strategies to work on practical and successful solutions.

Lifenmovie goals
  • coaching
  • training
  • team leadership
  • individual leadership courses
  • workshop-strategies
  • online training
  • professional and authentic self-presentation
"Live other realities to make your reality different."


A simple and authentic training, that through an artistic and creative form and the organization set method face important business themes such as professional argue, empathic leadership, harmonic teamwork and co-working.

Lifenmovie aims to help companies or start-ups to face a transformation, create a healthy and constructive environment and generate value that can become an asset for everyone and the company.

Certain of our own identity, ready for trasformation the acting starts. Shooting, Rolling, Ciak please, Action!
